so why cling so defensively to this tired, binary idea of 'manhood'? why not just be a person? cuz yr trying really hard to defend a pretty scary team. but whatev, all i'm sayin is be secure enough in yrself to get that we talk to you about it cuz we have this misguided idea that yr on our team, that yr safe. on the "gets it" team. on the "we just want to be whole people" team. on the "not a scary douche bag" team. knowing what defensive assholes clinging to Team Manhood makes guys, don't you think i'd reserve my comments for men i trust and respect and feel safe with and thought understood me?
how about instead of getting defensive try hearing us out. listen to us. and quit denying that there is a problematic gender dynamic going on in our society cuz in the end you and i both know that you get privileges from this system. i know stepping away from what yr used to is scary, but in the end being whole people and living in a society of mutual respect sounds pretty cool.
and i'm not going to have respect for men as a whole until the men who should "get it" start a) doing their own homework on this shit and b) start preachin the good word to other men of not being sleazy douche bags. stop doubting us that that shit is pervasive and impacts our quality of life cuz it just makes you really sucky and means yr presence isn't a mentally safe space for us.
you want us to change the way we talk about shit then lets dialogue instead of getting defensive cuz you know what, i have a right to be angry and so do other women and you treating me like theres something wrong with my anger is bullshit. the tv and billboards and magazines sell you beer and so much more with our bodies. we spend our whole childhoods being told to be the passive princess saved by the mighty prince which has a serious impact on the way we see ourselves in the world and in relationships. men get role models that are action heros and burly athletes, not damsels in distress. we are discouraged from having sex knowing about sex knowing how to talk about sex and our desires and our consent. on the other hand, men are encouraged through media, sports, porn, and each other to treat us like trophies or tits on two legs. guys get encouraged to be sexual, to watch porn, and most of you don't even see us while yr inside us cuz its more about having a warm, wet place to stick yr dick in then about connecting. and even the ones who are about connecting too often learned their moves from porn so they still don't see us. we live in two different worlds. not that men are from mars bullshit, but seriously, our whole lives we get different messages from society. i think it was marilyn frye who talked about how women have to see both sides cuz we have to know how to anticipate men's moves in order to survive, just as slaves had to anticipate their masters and understand their world views and intentions to survive. men don't have to see our side. men often refuse to see our side, get defensive that we are bothered by the whole thing. i fucking hate thinking that some guy friend of mine is this amazing ally who "gets it" only for him to get butt-hurt when i make broad statements about sucky men. figure it out already. this goes beyond people being assholes, this is about a pervasive system of sexism that is entrenched in every part of our society. yes, women are assholes too. but we don't have that kind of power to hold over you and what i'm talking about goes way above and beyond standard assholeness. i'm talking about this extra dynamic of hierarchy, power, and control. and don't get me wrong, its only one piece of the oppression puzzle. racism, sexism, speciesism, classism, heterosexism, cissexism, able-bodiedism, homophobia, xenophobia, nationalism, i mean the bullshit goes on and on. quit acting like being bothered by it all is silly. you hurt my fucking soul when you refuse to take women's anger or discomfort or fear seriously.
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